

The Accommodation is committed to protecting the personal data of its guests, and attaches great importance to

respects the rights of its customers to information and self-determination. The Accommodation is the

keep personal data confidential, in accordance with data protection legislation and international recommendations

in accordance with this statement.

Data management principles are in line with the data protection principles set out in the European

Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (27 April 2016), GDPR

(on the processing of personal data by natural persons with regard to the

on the protection and free movement of such data).

The purpose of this information notice is to provide data subjects with adequate information about their personal

certain rights and obligations concerning the processing of their data. On the basis of the information notice

the data subjects are made aware of the processing of their personal data

circumstances. Personal data will only be used by the Accommodation for predefined purposes for which

for the time necessary for the exercise of rights and the performance of obligations. A

The accommodation only processes personal data that is relevant to the purpose of the processing.

is necessary and appropriate to achieve the objective.

Basic concepts

Data subject: any person identified on the basis of specific personal data or - directly or

indirectly - an identifiable natural person;

Personal data: data that can be associated with the data subject - in particular the name of the data subject,

identification mark and one or more physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or

knowledge of the social identity of the data subject - and the conclusions that can be drawn from the data


Special Data: personal data concerning health;

Consent: a voluntary and explicit expression of the data subject's will, which is appropriate

is based on information and by which you give your unambiguous consent to the

the processing of personal data, either in full or in relation to specific operations;

Objection: a statement by the data subject objecting to the processing of his or her personal data, and

requests the cessation of processing or the erasure of the data processed;

Data Controller: a natural or legal person or an entity without legal personality

an organisation which, alone or jointly with others, is responsible for the purposes for which the data are processed

determines the choices about the processing (including the means used)

or have it implemented by a data processor on its behalf;

Data processing: any operation on data, regardless of the procedure used

or the totality of operations, in particular the collection, recording, recording and organisation of,

storage, modification, use, retrieval, disclosure, transmission, disclosure to the public

import, align or combine, block, erase and destroy,

and the prevention of further use of the data, the recording of photographs, sounds or

taking a photograph and recording physical characteristics that can identify the person (e.g. fingerprints, palm prints, DNA samples, iris scans).

Transmission: making data available to a specified third party for the purposes of

the case of;

Disclosure: making the data available to anyone;

Data erasure: the rendering of data unrecognisable in such a way that its recovery is no longer possible.


Data marking: the marking of data with an identification mark to distinguish it;

Data retention: the assignment of an identification mark to data for the purposes of their further processing, either permanently or

for a limited period of time;

Data processing: the performance of technical tasks related to data processing operations,

whatever the method and means used to carry out the operations, and

the place of application, provided that the technical task is performed on the data;

Data processor: a natural or legal person or a person without legal personality

an organisation which, under a contract with the controller, including

processing of data, including the conclusion of a contract under a legal provision;

Third party: a natural or legal person or a person without legal personality

an entity which is not the same as the data subject, the controller or the

with a data processor;

Data breach: unlawful processing or handling of personal data, such as

in particular unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure or transmission,

deletion or

destruction and accidental destruction and damage.

Data management

Data Controller: Attila Nácz

Registered office: 8649 Balatonberény Sárgarigó utca 39.

Phone number: +36 (30) 986 4418

E-mail address:


Use of accommodation services

The processing of all data relating to the data subject in the context of the provision of services is voluntary

is based on consent, and is intended to ensure the provision of the service, and

communication. The personal data contained in this section will be processed by the

for a period that complies with tax and accounting regulations.

Data provided by the Guest

Upon check-in, the Accommodation shall/may request the following information from the

From guest: name (surname, first name), date of birth, place of birth, passport (visa)

or identity card or driving licence number, address.

Mandatory data to be provided by the Guest for the Accommodation Service

as a condition for claiming.

Guest registration form

When using the Accommodation Service, the Guest, by filling in the Application Form and

by signing this form, you consent to the use of the above mandatory data by the

in the relevant legislation (in particular the legislation on aliens and

in legislation on tourist tax: Act C of 1990)

to fulfil its obligations under the contract or to prove that it has fulfilled them, and

For the purpose of guest identification, process the data for as long as the competent authority has not

check compliance with the obligations laid down by law.

By completing/signing the notification form, the guest agrees that the information provided

the personal data of the Accommodation upon the conclusion, performance or fulfilment of the contract

for the purpose of proving or asserting any claim within the time limit specified above

manage and archive.

Data from 3rd party - Reservation, booking

The Accommodation works together with certain websites (e.g.,, hereinafter referred to as

Service Provider). In the case of a request for quotation, the Service Provider shall obtain the User's voluntary consent

receive the Contracting Authority's personal data at the same time as the request for a proposal

(name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, address, number and age of children) and a comment,

and the payment instrument of your choice. In the case of accommodation reservations, the Service Provider shall inform the User

on the basis of the voluntary consent of the User making the reservation, transfers the User's personal data (name,

address, e-mail address, telephone number,) and comment, and

other booking details (discount, surcharge, payment method chosen,

etc.) to the Accommodation for the purpose of fulfilling the reservation.

Duration of data processing

The Service Provider shall process the personal data relating to the request for a quote initiated by the User.

data will be processed as booking data if the offer is accepted, the offer will be

and in the event of refusal to accept the offer, in order to settle with the accommodation

until the financial clearance for the period concerned. The Service Provider shall keep the User's

personal data relating to an offer accepted in connection with a reservation made by

accounting and to meet its obligations to the Partners under the 2000 C.

Act 169 for 8 years, and in Act XCII of 2003 on the Rules of Taxation.

for a specified limitation period.

Data security

The Accommodation shall treat personal data confidentially and shall not disclose them to unauthorized persons.

is served by. Personal data is protected in particular against unauthorised access,

alteration, disclosure, transmission, publication, deletion or destruction. A

to ensure the technical protection of personal data, where possible.

will take all security measures.

Rights and remedies


To the e-mail address of the Accommodation or to the address of the Data Controller (Attila Nácz 8649

Balatonberény Sárgarigó utca 39.), from the date of submission of the application

within a maximum of 30 days from the date of the request, the accommodation shall provide information on the

data, their source, the purpose, legal basis and duration of the processing, the

the name and address of the data processor and his or her activities in relation to the processing. A

In the event of a refusal to provide information, the accommodation shall inform the person concerned in writing that the

under which provision of the law the refusal to disclose was made, and

inform the data subject of the remedies available to him or her.


The Data Subject may at any time request the Controller to rectify his or her personal data if they are inaccurate.

do not correspond to reality. If the personal data is not accurate and the

the Controller has the personal data at its disposal, the personal data shall be

the Data Controller shall correct. The Data Subject may send it in writing by post or e-mail

a request for rectification to the Data Controller. In order to be entitled to rectification upon request, the

the time limit and the remedies available to you in the information paragraph

shall prevail.

Deletion and blocking

For the erasure and blocking of personal data, and in the event of objections to the processing of personal data, the

data protection law shall apply.


The data subject may take the accommodation to court if his or her rights are infringed. A

legal proceedings under the Data Protection Act and other relevant legislation

regulations apply.

Other provisions

The Accommodation reserves the right to amend this Information. The Accommodation reserves the right to amend the

is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by visitors or Guests.

Remedies available

Legal remedies, complaints to the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority

You can contact the Authority (1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c., postal address: 1530

Budapest, Pf.: 5.Website:
